
The Digital Landscape of College Search

The traditional marketing strategies of old for colleges and universities across the nation have been eclipsed by social media. While many used to fear how their Facebook profile and its contents would reflect on them and their likelihood of being admitted, social media today plays one of the largest roles in the recruitment of college students. While many factors play a role in the success any college or university may have in marketing on social media platforms, there are some tricks to getting it just right. The first is to keep video content at the forefront since that’s often what helps an individual to stop and connect in the first place. As far as how this content is created, aiming for a strict 15 to 20 seconds of video content is imperative — as there won’t be a lot of time to make a connection before users are inclined to scroll past a particular clip. Understanding the limited window, in addition to just how much college related content is out there, keeping up with university content trends will also be just as important. Adding humor and an emotional appeal to the content can make it more meaningful in a touching way. To learn more about the ways in which this content is crafted and how it can contribute to the recruitment of students, spend some time reading on to the resource supported alongside this post.

The Digital Landscape Of College Search provided by Encoura, an organization offering a premier alumni engagement platform

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